..::Event Rescheduled for April 21st 2014::..
vs Powell County Legends
(an eclectic group of local leaders and celebrities) Monday, April 21st at 7pm Powell County High School TICKETS: Pre-Sale $10 – Day of Event $15 VIP Tickets $25 Special VIP Seating available Call (606) 481-2302 Want to sponsor the Event?? [email protected] Harlem-style comedy basketball featuring high-flying slam dunks, games with the kids, and hilarious comedy! Complimentary autograph session with the Harlem Ambassadors after the game ALL PROCEEDS GO TO... Kiwanis Club of Powell County & City of Stanton Parks and Rec
Powell County Legends Roster
Head Coaches- John Combs and Mike Crowe
Roster includes- Dwaine Meadows,Travis Crabtree, James Clark, David Johnson,Lonnie Morris, Larry Drake, Jimmy Crase,
Hondo Hearne, Rob Merion,Tim Rogers, David Faulkner, Julie Clark, Meghan Mays, Renna Donithan, Brian Marcum, Brian Hall, Monroe Jones, Richard Henderson,James Anderson, Stephen Donithan,Troy Brooks,Scott Graham,Jason Graham,
Darrell Billings,Dustin Billings and Chad Birch
Roster includes- Dwaine Meadows,Travis Crabtree, James Clark, David Johnson,Lonnie Morris, Larry Drake, Jimmy Crase,
Hondo Hearne, Rob Merion,Tim Rogers, David Faulkner, Julie Clark, Meghan Mays, Renna Donithan, Brian Marcum, Brian Hall, Monroe Jones, Richard Henderson,James Anderson, Stephen Donithan,Troy Brooks,Scott Graham,Jason Graham,
Darrell Billings,Dustin Billings and Chad Birch
Press Release:
For more information contact
Lisa Mays
[email protected]
The internationally-acclaimed Harlem Ambassadors will be visiting Stanton KY for a game at the
Powell County High School on April 21st at 7:00pm.
The Harlem Ambassadors offer a unique brand of Harlem-style basketball, featuring high-flying slam dunks,
dazzling ball-handling tricks and hilarious comedy routines.
The Ambassadors feature non-stop laughs and deliver a positive message for kids wherever the Ambassadors play.
“At our shows, we want the kids to know that they’re part of our team too,” Coach Ladè Majic said. “We invite as many kids
as we can to come sit on the bench, have a front row seat during the show, and get involved in all of the fun stuff we do.”
The Ambassadors set themselves apart from other “Harlem-style” basketball teams by working with local not-for-profit and
service organizations and holding Harlem Ambassadors shows as community fundraising events. For Stanton’s event the
Ambassadors have partnered with the Kiwanis Club of Powell County and the City of Stanton Parks and Rec to help
raise funds for kids of Powell County.
The Ambassadors have worked extensively with organizations such as Habitat for Humanity, Boys & Girls Clubs,
Big Brothers Big Sisters and American Red Cross as well as Rotary, Lions and Kiwanis clubs in communities throughout
the U.S., and perform more than 200 shows a year. Those shows have helped raise millions of dollars – an accomplishment
of which Ambassadors President Dale Moss is very proud.
“It feels good to be able to provide quality entertainment and create memories that the fans will take with them,” Moss explained.
“We’re able to give even more when we can help provide funding for a Habitat for Humanity house or new computers
for the school library, and that feels great.”
Contact ANY Kiwanis Member or Stanton City Parks and Rec member
Lisa Mays
[email protected]
The internationally-acclaimed Harlem Ambassadors will be visiting Stanton KY for a game at the
Powell County High School on April 21st at 7:00pm.
The Harlem Ambassadors offer a unique brand of Harlem-style basketball, featuring high-flying slam dunks,
dazzling ball-handling tricks and hilarious comedy routines.
The Ambassadors feature non-stop laughs and deliver a positive message for kids wherever the Ambassadors play.
“At our shows, we want the kids to know that they’re part of our team too,” Coach Ladè Majic said. “We invite as many kids
as we can to come sit on the bench, have a front row seat during the show, and get involved in all of the fun stuff we do.”
The Ambassadors set themselves apart from other “Harlem-style” basketball teams by working with local not-for-profit and
service organizations and holding Harlem Ambassadors shows as community fundraising events. For Stanton’s event the
Ambassadors have partnered with the Kiwanis Club of Powell County and the City of Stanton Parks and Rec to help
raise funds for kids of Powell County.
The Ambassadors have worked extensively with organizations such as Habitat for Humanity, Boys & Girls Clubs,
Big Brothers Big Sisters and American Red Cross as well as Rotary, Lions and Kiwanis clubs in communities throughout
the U.S., and perform more than 200 shows a year. Those shows have helped raise millions of dollars – an accomplishment
of which Ambassadors President Dale Moss is very proud.
“It feels good to be able to provide quality entertainment and create memories that the fans will take with them,” Moss explained.
“We’re able to give even more when we can help provide funding for a Habitat for Humanity house or new computers
for the school library, and that feels great.”
Contact ANY Kiwanis Member or Stanton City Parks and Rec member